Archive for the ‘CMT eNews’ Category

No More Uncertainties!

I felt impressed to share with you a thought on these two words, Certainty and Uncertainty. Let’s consider the latter first. Uncertainty brings turmoil in your soul. Uncertainty opens a door to confusion, frustration, fear, and defeat. Have you ever felt those feelings? Are you experiencing any of those right now? If so, I want to remind you that you can set those aside and have them replaced with comfort, peace, joy, direction, and “EVERY GOOD THING THAT COMES FROM ABOVE (Jm.1:17)!” This will take place when the ‘uncertainty’ is replaced by ‘certainty.’

Certainty brings peace, joy, courage, and comfort. Reflect on John 16 where Jesus shares with His disciples what appears to be ‘bad news.’ He tells them that, in just a short time, that they will not see Him anymore. Of course the disciples respond with uncertainty by asking, ‘What does this mean?’ Then, as you read in verse 33, Jesus tells them that He has told them these things so they will have peace.

You see, the CERTAINTY of knowing what was going to take place would bring them peace. And the same is true for you and I today. In the midst of struggle, trial, or turmoil we can maintain peace, joy, and direction. “How?”, because we know the outcome! We know that our hope is in Christ. Our victory is in Christ! We know that we are more than overcomers and God is working in us and through us for our good. We know it is His Spirit that works in us! We know we have an eternal life of victory in Jesus.

My friend, it is time to shout for joy, set any uncertainties aside, and look forward with GREAT EXPECTATION, for God has recreated you in Christ Jesus to do the remarkable things that He has already planned!

-Pastor Gary

Incredible Fun for Kids, Incredible Help for You!

We just posted another ‘Get It FREE’ Gift Opportunity on Children’s Ministry Today’s site!

This week’s feature is “What’s Behind the Mask?” It is a remarkably powerful salvation lesson in an easy-to-do gospel magic format! Your kids will absolutely love it! We believe this lesson is an incredible help for you and all you do to reach kids and families for Christ!

It is your GIFT now with a Fall Fest Kit or any other KidMin download at-