2 Sep
Are You a Bonsai Believer?
Author: Pastor GaryI pray that you and your family are experiencing the greatness of God’s goodness from Proverbs 3:33 today. “God declares BLESSED (joyful and favored with blessings) the home of the just and consistently righteous!” That is YOU as you remain consistent and earnest in Christ! Therefore, you can put your name in that verse where it talks of the just and consistently righteous. You can declare with certainty:
“God declares blessed (joyful and favored with blessings) the home of __(put your name here)__!”
You may not feel that way right now, but do not allow your feelings to lead you! The enemy of your soul will use your feelings and the circumstances around you to persuade you to believe the opposite. Do NOT allow that to take place in your thoughts! Thoughts like those are the pruning shears of the enemy to keep you from reaching your full potential.
A friend of ours, Pat Holland, shares a powerful illustration of a ‘Bonsai’ tree. Depending upon the variety, a bonsai is a tree that could grow 50 to 150 feet tall but its tap root has been cut and someone comes regularly to keep it trimmed back so it never grows more than 18” to 24”. That is exactly what satan wants to do to you! He wants to cut your tap root and keep you trimmed back by the circumstances he sends into your life. Take a firm stance against this! Say with confidence, “NO! God has created me in Christ Jesus to be more than an overcomer and to do infinitely beyond your highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams!” It is GOD’s power working through you! His power is UNLIMITED! His power is UNCONTAINABLE!
You are NOT a bonsai believer! Your church is not a bonsai church! Your family is not a bonsai family! You are moving forward and going BEYOND! Intensely focus on being whom God has created you to be, expecting to experience His SUPERNATURAL power, protection, and provision!
-Pastor Gary
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