30 Sep
Leveling the Rollercoaster of Life and Ministry
Author: Pastor GaryPeople say that life is filled with ‘ups’ and ‘downs’. You’ve probably said that, or something similar to that yourself. We talk about the ‘rollercoaster’ of life. We hear sermons about being in the ‘valley’ and on the ‘mountaintop.’
All of these analogies are summed up in two words, “encourage” and “discourage.” Amazingly, you can start the day with a feeling of being “encouraged” and within moments things appear to change so you begin to feel “discouraged.”
I want to challenge you today by looking at the part of those two words that never changes, “COURAGE.”
Courage is the constant that keeps you moving forward. Courage is the driving force that comes from deep within your spirit. Courage is the manifestation of your confident hope in God. Your courage is the declaration of you saying, “I know there is a greater power with me!” (2 Chron. 32:7)
The difference between ‘encouragement and discouragement’ and ‘courage’ is this. Encouragement and discouragement usually come from outward circumstances and emotional responses which can change as quickly as the wind changes its direction. Contrastingly, COURAGE comes from deep within your spirit. Courage comes from the constant relationship you have with your God through your Savior!
I want you to succeed in all you do just as your Heavenly Father desires for you to succeed and declare His glory in all you do. You can and will steadily and assuredly move forward as you rely on the inner courage God has given you.
Here’s one more illustrative thought to summarize.
Encouragement and Discouragement is a winding pathway through an overgrown forest of uncertainty. Courage is the arrow which flies straight and true toward the mark!
-Pastor Gary
And Now: How Can You Download The 2-Week Kidmin Curriculum?
When you stop by http://childrensministry.org/estore today, you will see a promo at the top of the page detailing a marvelous 2-week Kidmin curriculum called “Thanksgiving Jeopardy.” It’s virtually a plug-n-play style lesson that you and your group will really enjoy! You will receive the 2-week “Thanksgiving Jeopardy” as a GIFT in your confirmation email from any other KidMin download at ChildrensMinistryorg’s estore!
Filed under: CMT eNews