Archive for the ‘CMT eNews’ Category

In this eNews from CMToday:  Trio of Olympic-Themed Lessons / Word of Challenge from Pastor Gary for Ministry Leaders

1 – CMT has combined 3 Awesomely Interactive Olympic Lessons into 1 Package Download at a GREAT DISCOUNT!  Each lesson features a fantastic spin-off of the Olympic games! PLUS eNews Reader Discount Code– ENEWS for 10% OFF! Check them out at:

2 – Today’s Word of Challenge from Pastor Gary

I read a marvelously encouraging word from James 1:25 this past week.  It says, “But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.”

Here’s a thought for you – can it be easy for a minister to be a ‘doer of the Work’ and not be a ‘doer of the Word’?

It may be situationally easy for those in full-time ministry to be so consumed with the Work of the ministry that it replaces being consumed with the Word.

Jesus said that the man who built his house on the sand is the man who heard the Word but didn’t do it. But the man who built his house on the rock is the man who heard the Word and did it.

If you’re not a doer of the Word, you don’t have any foundation under you. Smith Wigglesworth made a statement: “If you wait until you need faith to get it, you’re too late.” That’s the reason you need to study the Word for yourself daily and avoid only studying it for preparing lessons and sermons.

When you consider your ‘hearing and doing’ this year, go “BEYOND” what you have done before!  Put the Word into action and you will position yourself on a foundation that brings the blessing of James 1:25!