14 Jan
Why Do You Read Kidmin Emails?
Author: Pastor GaryIf you receive our CMT eNews emails, then you will have seen this already. You can sign up today using the link at the top!
Why are you reading these kidmin emails? We’d really like to know why you signed up to receive our CMT eNewsletter?
We started building the CMT eNews back in 1995 as we were traveling, speaking for conventions and conferences. We saw a need to regularly challenge and impact children’s ministry leaders and their ministries. And, the Internet phenomenon provided the best way to accomplish that goal.
Over the years, we have reached tens of thousands of kidmin leaders across the globe through CMT’s weekly eNews, focusing on equipping and challenging all of us to better fulfill God’s call on our lives as we minister.
We are so blessed by the many, many responses we receive to our eNews. Consistently leaders email us in regard to the personal words of challenge. Usually, they are similar to one we recently received that simply said, “You could not have picked a better encouragement piece than this! THANKS!” or like this one that read, “The e-newsletters have been such a blessing! … Your newsletter is chuck full of wonderful ideas and helpful articles.”
Each eNews is designed to encourage, equip, and empower you! We desire that you are blessed and equipped by the information, articles, and many resources we place before you each week! And, if you would like to take a moment and write us, we definitely want to hear how Children’s Ministry Today has positively impacted you and your ministry!
We pray this blessing over you today!
May our God of all grace, comfort, wisdom, and insight fully supply your needs today! May you experience new hope and energy. May you have fresh vision and direction. Let this very moment stir up within you your God-given talents and calling so that all your hands find to do prospers and glorifies Almighty God! We pray the blessings of the new covenant overtake you and surround you! For greater is He that is in you! You are more than a conqueror! May you supernaturally experience the blessings from God as He satisfies your needs even in a sun-scorched land! Everything, yes, everything, you need in life is supplied by God’s power! We believe that all who know you will experience a touch from God as He graciously works through you today and throughout this new year! Amen!
— Gary R. Linn
2 Popular Areas of Resources on CMT’s Sites This Week Are:
Lessons & Games for Valentine’s Day at: http://childrensministry.org/estore/category/holidays/valentines-day/
3 Olympic-themed Lessons at: http://childrensministry.org/estore
Filed under: CMT eNews