Archive for the ‘CMT eNews’ Category

Infinitely Beyond

Over the past 2 years, I have shared with you several words of encouragement and challenge regarding Isaiah 61 and Ephesians 2:10.  Recall with me that Isaiah 61 definitively shows us that God’s anointing is with us ‘To Do!’  He has anointed us to proclaim, to comfort, to rebuild, to restore, and to renew!

This past year, we grew to understand that we are “Created in Christ” to accomplish this anointed “to-do” list, as explained in Ephesians 2:10.  Indeed, we are created in Christ to do the ‘Greater Things’ God has prepared ahead of time for us.

As we continue to do the Greater Things God has prepared for us, we are challenged to believe BEYOND what we have ever seen or experienced before!  We must never settle for what we have seen or heard in past experience, for God clearly and concisely tells us that He wants to work through us “to carry out His purpose and do superabundantly, far over and above all that we dare ask or think–infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams.” Eph. 3:20 AMP

This is a year for us to go BEYOND, to do BEYOND, to experience BEYOND, and to dream BEYOND our past experiences.

Many of us are spending time in fasting and prayer during January.  His Word and Voice can cut through the clutter of life with much more clarity and power as we listen and spend these intensified times with Him, just as it did with Daniel.

To summarize Daniel’s experience, we can look at Daniel 9:2-3,21-22.  “I, Daniel, …turned my face to the Lord God, seeking Him by prayer with fasting… Gabriel said to me,…I have come now to give you wisdom and understanding.”

As you spend time with God, let me encourage you to go BEYOND to hear Him speak into your life!

Pastor Gary

PS – Thanks to everyone who wrote in response to last week’s eNews.  We want you to know that your words were precious and encouraging.  We have not had the opportunity to respond to all of them, for we have had an unexpected hospice situation, ministering to a life-long friend, mentor, and his family.

BTW – Don’t Forget – Bible Olympian is one of the AWESOME lessons perfect to use during the Winter Olympics.  And, The ULTIMATE PARTY Big Day Service is a TREMENDOUS outreach lesson for Valentine’s Day week!  You’ll see them both Instant Downloads at (Olympic Lessons are on the homepage; the Ultimate party is in the Valentine’s category in the right column.)