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Infinitely Beyond – Part 2

Last week we considered the beautiful connection between Isaiah 61– which definitively shows us that God’s anointing is with us ‘To Do,’ (to proclaim, to comfort, to rebuild, to restore, and to renew) –and Ephesians 2:10 which declares that we are created in Christ to do the ‘Greater Things’ God has prepared ahead of time for us. 

This is a year to truly grasp God’s call and purpose to see these words become a reality in our everyday lives and ministries!  In order to do so, we must break from a limited mindset and walk in the authenticity of Scripture!  For the truth of God’s Word beckons us to live in a supernatural reality where God daily works through us “to carry out His purpose and do superabundantly, far over and above all that we dare ask or think–infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams.” Eph. 3:20 AMP

Indeed, Haggai 2:9 casts a vision before us.  For the latter glory of God’s house will be greater than its former glory!  Your ‘ALL-Powerful Heavenly Father’ calls you to believe BEYOND, do BEYOND, experience BEYOND, and dream BEYOND the ‘former’ and look for the ‘greater glory of the latter’.

God’s heart’s desire is for all to hear and all to experience His love!  We are uniting with you in the “infinitely beyond” of Ephesians 3:20 so that all will hear and come to know Christ Jesus as Lord!

-Pastor Gary

Kids LOVE These Lessons!

Games, Gospel Magic Lessons, Kids’ Worship Services, Paper Fold Lessons, & Complete BIG Day Event!

  • What’s LOVE Got to Do With It? (2 Complete KIDMIN Services)
  • Discovering God’s Covenant of Love (KIDMIN Service)
  • UR L.U.V.’D. (KIDMIN Service)
  • Quest to Love God (KIDMIN Service)
  • You Gotta Love It! (KIDMIN Service)
  • Love Conquers the Fear Factor! (KIDMIN Service)
  • Heart of Hearts (Gospel Magic Lesson)
  • How I Love God (Gospel Magic Lesson)
  • The ULTIMATE Party Big Day (BIG Day Service)
  • Double Vision – “All About God’s Love” – (PowerPoint Game)
  • TRIO ‘When 3 is a Clue not a Crowd’ – (PowerPoint Game)
  • Cross Your Heart (Paper Fold Lesson)

These and more at: