6 Feb
Infinitely Beyond – Part 3
Author: Pastor GaryYou are MORE than a Children’s Minister! You are a highly valued and preciously chosen child of God!
As a child of God, how does the opening of Isaiah 61 apply to you? “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me; because the Lord has appointed me to…”
Some believers have grown accustomed to the idea that the Spirit of the Lord is upon them to help them feel better. When you pull out your Bible and carefully and studiously examine these words, you will quickly discover that God’s Spirit comes upon you to work through you to do! What are you to do? You do the works which God has uniquely prepared specifically for you! (Eph. 2:10)
At this point, you may be feeling bewildered as to when or how you will experience comfort, guidance, assistance, and provision. It is when you begin doing that you will also begin receiving! It ties into God’s established law of sowing and reaping. You can read how Christ explained it in Luke 6:38, “Give, and it will be given to you.”
Consider that “Give” is what the Spirit of the Lord works through you to do! You give through doing the works God has prepared ahead of time to do. As you “Give,” something supernaturally takes place! Your giving activates the spiritual law of sowing and reaping. When you “Give,” you are working in the direct instruction of Scripture. At that point, supernatural doors open to bring comfort, guidance, assistance, and provision into your life.
Let’s take a firm hold on these words and enthusiastically enact them in our daily lives! Let’s begin ‘giving’ through the ‘power of God’s Spirit who is at work within us!’ Let’s determine to operate BEYOND our limited strength and yield to the Holy Spirit as He desires to work through us to do infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams!
Pastor Gary
“GREAT Valentine Lessons & Games!” – Download them today!
Games, Gospel Magic Lessons, Kids’ Worship Services, Paper Fold Lessons, & Complete BIG Day Event!
- What’s LOVE Got to Do With It? (2 Complete KIDMIN Services)
- Discovering God’s Covenant of Love (KIDMIN Service)
- UR L.U.V.’D. (KIDMIN Service)
- Quest to Love God (KIDMIN Service)
- You Gotta Love It! (KIDMIN Service)
- Love Conquers the Fear Factor! (KIDMIN Service)
- Heart of Hearts (Gospel Magic Lesson)
- How I Love God (Gospel Magic Lesson)
- The ULTIMATE Party Big Day (BIG Day Service)
- Double Vision – “All About God’s Love” – (PowerPoint Game)
- TRIO ‘When 3 is a Clue not a Crowd’ – (PowerPoint Game)
- Cross Your Heart (Paper Fold Lesson)
These and more at: http://childrensministry.org/estore/category/holidays/valentines-day/
Filed under: CMT eNews