1 Apr
Experiencing Your Decisive Change Point
Author: Pastor GaryYou can experience a ‘Change Point’ today! I pray this word of encouragement awakens in you a fresh and determined focus that empowers you to overcome the struggles you face throughout your life and ministry. –Love, Pastor Gary
When Christ said, “It is finished,” it marked a decisive break of the curses stemming from the disastrous fall in Eden. With this word from Jesus as He finished His life’s work on the cross, the most powerful moment in the history of mankind occurred. He won the victory for our lives – a new life – a new way of living! Within this moment, Christ established for us life with meaning, purpose, hope, forgiveness, integrity, and, possibly most importantly of all, a life of authority!
It was at this moment of Christ’s work being made complete that all authority in Heaven and on earth was placed within His hands. In Matthew 28:18, Christ declares, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me.” Knowing that He has this authority – ALL authority – brings new light on the words He spoke in Luke 10:19, “I have given you authority…to overcome all the power of the enemy.” This authority which is available to you and I to live within is described by Paul in Ephesians 1:21 as an authority “far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked.”
At this moment, the curse was broken and you were invited to experience new life through Christ; a life of all authority “not only for this present age but also in the one to come.”
It is very likely that the enemy of your soul fears that you should recognize the position you now have in Christ. Though the enemy of your soul delights and strives toward keeping you under oppression, discouragement, distraction, burden, failure, etc… and the list goes on, the simply profound truth is that you do not have to remain in those circumstances. You and I can rise above the grind of the fallen world. We can live within and act upon the authority which has been given to us from Christ and through His eternal work.
Consider again His words, “It is finished!” All authority is given to Him and He in return has given it to you so you, too, can declare, “IT IS FINISHED!” Whatever circumstance has arisen against you, speak to it in the authority given to you. Face it head on and fervently proclaim that “It is finished!” Remain steadfast in His word and His authority. Let nothing move you! Stay the course. Fight the good fight. Remember, you are in Christ and He is in you! Everything must submit to His authority!
-Pastor Gary R. Linn
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