Archive for the ‘CMT eNews’ Category

July 4th and Canada Day celebrations are upon us and the season is filled with vacations, family trips, youth camps, cookouts, and more!

It is extremely easy to get so involved in and distracted by the many ministry responsibilities during this time of year that we fail to keep ourselves nourished in our relationship with God.  Though we do not realize it, personally slacking off just slightly during the busy events and seasons allows the enemy to slip in and place snares into our lives and our ministries.  These snares may be seemingly harmless at first but they will increasingly place bondages that entangle us and prevent us from fully accomplishing or experiencing all that God has planned for us and the work He has call us to do.

The End Result:  When the busy season slows down, you will find that your godly habits of devotional and prayer times have been replaced by other activities and responsibilities.  Your schedule will remain full and you will find it more difficult to spend time alone with your Father and Creator.

Do not allow yourself to be deceived into giving up the most valuable time of your day to other activities.  You will find that when you place your time with your Heavenly Father first and prominent in your daily schedule, then all other tasks will fall together more smoothly and with less effort.

Alisa and I are praying that you experience a supernatural summer of effective ministry, filled with blessings from God as the windows of Heaven are opened in your life!

Pastor Gary & Alisa

PS – This week at CMT’s site, we have a gift download for you!  “Singled Out” is most likely the simplest selection effect of its kind! Anyone from your audience singles out one of four items shown in a large photo. (No Force! No Sleight of Hand! Completely their choice of any of the four!) Amazingly, you simply turn the photo around to reveal that you knew their choice before they ever made it! You will be right 100% of the time!

This outstanding download includes TWO complete Gospel Magic tricks with powerful Gospel Messages.

The first of the Singled Out effects teaches on 2 Kings 14:3 where “Amaziah did what was right in the eyes of the Lord. In everything he followed the example of his father.”

The second of the Singled Out effects zeros in on the wonderful truth of Joshua 24:15, “Choose this day whom you will serve.”

You receive your Personal Gift Download with any other resource you download this week!!  Be Blessed!