8 Jul
ANTICIPATE How God Will Work Through YOU!
Author: Pastor GaryHave you heard His voice speaking to you? Are you ANTICIPATING to GO, DO, ACHIEVE, and RECEIVE BEYOND through Christ?
We are seeing God’s people reawaken to their call and purpose. The voice of the Spirit is intensely reminding that “WE are created in CHRIST to DO the WORKS planned ahead of time by GOD!”
Undeniably, God is stirring within us by His power—that power which works through us to carry out His purposes and do superabundantly, far over and above and infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams! [Eph. 3:20 AMP]
It is time to ANTICIPATE how God will work through you! Here is a prayer to pray as you consider what great things God is planning to do through you!
Dear God, my life is so noisy – and too often, it resounds more with ringing phones and droning televisions than with praise and worship for You. Do I ever pause and wonder what momentous things You might be preparing to do next in my life? How many moments of awe-inspiring anticipation do I miss by never being still before You? I need Your help to discipline myself. Help me to build a few moments of silent anticipation into each day, making time to pray and open myself up to what you want to do in and through me. I pray, God, that in these moments, You will reveal enough of Your plan to make me ready for Your great purposes in my life. I come before You with reverent awe and anticipation for the glorious future that lies ahead.
Psalm 73:24 reminds you that God is guiding you with His counsel and leading you to a glorious destiny!
Going BEYOND Through Him,
Pastor Gary & Alisa
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(Prayer is from 365 Pocket Prayers)
Filed under: CMT eNews